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USA Hockey Zero Tolerance Policy

In an effort to make ice hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants, USA Hockey instituted a zero tolerance policy that began with the 1992-93 season. This policy requires all players, coaches, officials, team officials and administrators and parents/spectators to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all USA Hockey-sanctioned games. The USA Hockey Zero Tolerance Policy is supplemented by the CBHL Rule 8.3.2) below:

In conjunction with the CBHL Clubs, the Chesapeake Bay Hockey League (CBHL) has implemented an “Absolute Zero Tolerance Policy” with respect to the behavior of the players, coaches, referees, spectators and parents participating in or viewing a game.  We are instructing any official who officiates a CBHL game to adhere to certain points of emphasis relating to sportsmanship. 
A minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a player.

  1. Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.
  2. Uses obscene or vulgar language at any time even if it is not directed at a particular person. 
  3. Any physical contact using the body or the stick after the whistle has blown.

Any Fighting” penalty in a CBHL league game will result in an automatic two-league-game (2) suspension to be served in the next two consecutive league games.  A player who receives a second penalty for Fighting during a season shall be suspended for the next five (5) CBHL league games.  The player involved MUST appear before a Disciplinary Committee (consisting of 3 members selected by the Commissioner) prior to the automatic expiration of the fourth game suspension, for determination of additional action and to formally request reinstatement. (See CBHL Rule 5.1.1)
It is the CBHL’s belief that a coach’s behavior determines how his players and parents will behave.  Therefore, a minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a coach:

  1. Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.
  2. Uses obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time at the rink before, during or after the competition.
  3. Usually demonstrates any sign of dissatisfaction with an official’s decision including standing on the boards or standing in the bench doorway with the intent of inciting the officials, players or spectators. 

Any time that a coach persists in any of these actions, they shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty.

Any coach that receives three or more game misconduct penalties will be referred to the CBHL Discipline Committee for review and possible suspension.
Officials are required to conduct themselves in a businesslike, sportsmanlike, impartial and constructive manner at all times.  The actions of an on-ice and off-ice official must be above reproach.  Actions such as “baiting” or inciting players or coaches are strictly prohibited. On-ice officials are ambassadors of the game and must always conduct themselves with this responsibility in mind. 
Being part of the game’s officiating team [on ice and off officials are considered to be a team], the game timekeeper, the penalty bench attendants, and the official scorer may not openly cheer for either of the teams on the ice, provoke any of the players or officials, use profane language, or openly question a judgment call made by an on-ice official. Any of these actions taken by an off-ice official may result in his or her ejection and eventual replacement. No person under the age of 18 are allowed to be in the scorer area or penalty box.  Any vulgar or profane language or other misconduct directed at an off ice official will be immediately brought to the attention of the on ice officials and will be strictly penalized.
The game will be stopped by the on-ice officials when parents/spectators display inappropriate and disruptive behavior, interfere with other spectators or the conduct of the game.  The on-ice officials will cause the clock to run during this process. The on-ice officials will identify violators to the coaches for the purpose of removing parents/ spectators from the spectators’ viewing and game area.  Coaches of the responsible spectator will identify the individual or family relative to the officials for their USA Hockey incident report.  Once removed, play will resume. Removal of parents/ spectators for a Zero tolerance violation, will be prohibited from attending the next 2 (two) CBHL games.  Lost time will not be replaced, and violators may be subject to further disciplinary action by the CBHL Discipline Committee. This inappropriate and disruptive behavior shall include:

  • Use of obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time at the rink before, during or after a game.Yelling at players, coaches or officials.
  • Leaning over or pounding on the glass; the glass surrounding the ice surface is part of the playing area.
  • Taunting of players, coaches, officials or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, threat of physical violence or actual physical violence.
  • Throwing of any object in the spectators viewing area, player’s bench, penalty box or on the ice surface, directed in any manner as to create a safety hazard.

Any parent/spectator who must be removed from the rink a second time will not be allowed to attend any CBHL game until a hearing before the CBHL Discipline Committee.

Failure to comply with the above sanctions will result in the parent/spectator’s team player not being allowed to participate while that parent/spectator is in the building.

The following USA Hockey policy is in effect for the 2019‐20 Season and beyond.

The declaration includes:

  • UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT:  A bench minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be assessed to any team whose players or team officials commit the following actions while on the players’ bench:

Banging the boards with a stick or other object, including skates or arms, at any time, including after a body check regardless as to whether the check is being penalized.

All USA Hockey members must demonstrate awareness and support for the application, spirit and the respect of the  rules in order for continued improvement in the game of hockey.  Coaches are expected to teach proper skills and hold their players accountable for illegal and dangerous actions, regardless as to whether they are properly penalized, or not.  

Parents are expected to support the decisions of the officials and support the coaches in teaching the proper skills in a  safe and positive environment. Officials shall enforce a strict penalty standard according to the guidelines that have been established.   Players are expected to compete within the playing rules.

Administrators are expected to hold players, coaches, officials and parents accountable for their actions in an effort to  promote a safe and positive environment for all participants.

All members of USA Hockey share an equal responsibility to ensure the integrity of the game is upheld. The onus to incorporate change is not only on the officials, but also on administrators, coaches, parents and players, as well.